
Toddler Class: 2 years (turning 3 years old).

Preschool Class: 3 years (turning 4 years old).

TK (Transitional Kindergarten) Class: 4 years (turning 5 years old).

Preschool Operating Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 1pm, 3pm, 5pm :  2621  Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, Ca 90403)

  • Drop-off and pick-up times are flexible (within the spot time).

  • We have an OPEN DOOR POLICY, and parents can come to the school at any time (there might be a chance that parents will have to pick up at visit time, if the child gets cranky).

  • We recommend that children will be at school for morning meetings at 9:30am.

In Addition

  • Parents - Teacher conference one-on-one meetings.

Twice a year: October – set up goals. February – follow up.

Includes student progress report and developmental discussion.

  • Weekly photo album - shared with parents by Google Photos private group

  • Parents Night Out: Location: 2621 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica Ca 90403  – Every 3rd Saturday of each month, 5 pm-11 pm parents can drop off children and their siblings at school, with pajamas. The children will get dinner, play, and watch movies. Parents can go out and have fun.

  • Birthdays at school- children celebrate with cupcakes, balloons, or any other activity and teachers will make the party celebration at school. Photos will be sent via email.